
2023-06-27 16:58:07 来源:哔哩哔哩


一段时间以来,对于我们最近进行的许多商务旅行,我们一直在为我们的社区准备一些额外的东西,这是我们一直想做的事情,但直到现在,我们的团队一直没有足够的能力。今天,我们很高兴终于向您展示我们的这个想法、这个项目、这个新的 YouTube 系列!





我们还有几集已经完成,并准备提供给你,但到现在为止,正如介绍性视频中提到的那样--我们不知道下一集到底什么时候会出现在我们的YouTube频道上,也不能说即将出现的几集可能是什么内容。让我们给你带来惊喜吧! 此外,你可以一直关注我们的社会媒体渠道,因为我们计划提前一点在那里宣布/预告。


最后还有一个小小的免责声明,这可能没有必要,但最好还是提一下——在 SCS On The Road 系列的任何剧集中出现的任何内容都不应被理解为对我们游戏未来内容的承诺。

SCS On The Road - New YouTube Series

For some time now, and for many of the recent business trips we took, we have been preparing something extra for our community, something we have always wanted to do, but never had enough capacity within our teams, until now. Today we are happy to finally reveal this idea, this project, this new YouTube series of ours to you!

What is it going to be about, you ask? Rather than putting down a wall of text, we were thinking it might be better to introduce and explain it all to you in the first episode. Let's call it Episode 0, and you can enjoy it below!

We hope you like the idea in general, and that we will be able to bring you through this new series some good entertainment, something fun yet interesting to watch, and that you will be able to learn some bonus information about our work, or about the brands we cooperate with and their products. 

However, it would be quite disappointing to reveal our new series, and not bring you at least one of the episodes we have prepared at the same time as well, right? Let's sit back, relax and enjoy the first episode with us right now.

We have a few more episodes already being finished and becoming ready to be served to you as well, but as of now, and as was mentioned in the introductory video - we don't know when exactly the next episode will come to our YouTube channel, nor can we say what the upcoming episodes might be about. Let us surprise you! Plus, you can always keep your eyes on our social media channels, as we plan to announce/tease them there a little bit ahead. 

Let us know what do you think about these videos, what did you like, and what do you think we should try to pursue and cover for one of the next episodes. We always appreciate your feedback, just as we highly appreciate all the opportunities from our partners to create these bonus content with them while we are visiting their facilities.

And one tiny disclaimer at the end which might not be necessary, but it is still better to mention it - nothing that appears in any of our episodes of this SCS On The Road series should be understood as a promise of future content for our games. 

